Residential Tenancy ApplicationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Rental Property Address *出租物業地址Starting date of tenancy *起租日期I am offering monthly rent租金Legal Name *FirstLast有效證件上的名和姓Date of Birth生日Social Insurance Number社保號碼Email *電郵Phone *電話Make of car擁有的汽車品牌Car model, year車型和年份Car licence#車牌號碼Car color車身顏色Present address現在居住的地址Monthly rent月租Length of stay已居住時間Reason for leaving搬家的原因Present landlord目前的房東Contact infoPhone # | email 房東的聯繫信息Previous address上一個居住地址Monthly rent月租Length of stay居住時間Reason for leaving搬家原因Previous landlord前房東Contact infoPhone # | Email 前房東的聯繫信息Employer僱主名稱Employer address僱主地址Employer phone#僱主電話Employer website僱主網站Occupation職位Monthly income月收入At this job since目前工作的開始時間Supervisor's Name主管的名字Supervisor's Phone #主管的電話1st Reference's Name參考人一的名字1st Reference's Phone #參考人一的電話Relationship to applicant和參考人一的關係2nd Reference's name參考人二的名字2nd Reference's Phone #參考人二的電話Relationship to applicant和參考人二的關係Emergency contact's name *緊急聯絡人Emergency Phone # *緊急聯絡人電話Relationship to applicant和緊急聯絡人的關係I am asmokernon-smokerI have content and liability insurance for my home YesNoPet's infoquantity, breed, weight, age, .etc. 寵物信息:數量、品種、重量、年齡等。Names of occupants Please provide all occupants' legal name, age, and relationship to applicant. One person per line. 所有居住人的證件名字,年齡,和申請人的關係;每位分一行輸入。Upload your ID Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. ID: driver's licence, PR Card or passport. 請上載證件:駕照、居民卡或護照。Upload other supporting documents Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Any documents can descript your status of your finance, credit. Such as, bank statements, credit report, reference letter, .etc. 請上載可以說明您的財務和信用狀況的支持文檔,例如銀行清單、信用報告、介紹信、僱用信等。Additional InformationPlease input your additional info or comments if there are any, you may also provide your social media info here, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, to help us to know your better. 如有其它補充信息,請在這裏提供。AGENCY DISCLOSURE: Applicant is aware that Luxmore Realty, the Brokerage, acts for and on behalf of the Owner of the Property, the principal, as Landlord in the management of the Property. Luxmore Realty offers no agency representation to Applicant and Applicant is advised to seek independent legal advice before entering into any Tenancy Agreement if that is important to Applicant. However, Luxmore Realty owes Applicant legal and ethical duty to provide accurate, honest and fair information as set out by the Real Estate Services Act and the RTA. CONSENT/ COLLECTION, USE & DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: For the purpose of determining whether my application for this tenancy is acceptable, I hereby consent to the Landlord obtaining credit and personal information about myself for all purposes consistent with the assessment of my application. I authorize the reporting agencies and other persons to disclose information on me to the Landlord or to his or her agent. This consent is given pursuant to the Business Practices And Consumer Protection Act [SBC 2004] Chapter 2 Part 6 . All personal information collected shall be kept confidential, in a secure place and shall be destroyed, erased or made anonymous when the use of the informat ion have been fulfilled. Luxmore Realty will not sell, rent or share any personal information to any other third parties. Further, the Landlord is hereby authorized to comply with various reporting agencies' requirements for rental history data reporting. For more information, please check with Equifax, TransUnioin, TVS, and/or RentCheck Credit Bureau. Signature *Clear SignatureSubmit